Damn, my space bar keeps sticking. Possibly something to do with having slammed my fist into the keyboard in frustration on Thursday morning when Windoze kept freezing. Oh well, at least I managed to get the Return key back in place and working again.
(As I said last night, it's been a shit of a week: I don't usually go around beating up innocent keyboards, honestly.)
I think yesterday's Shiatsu session has unblocked quite a bit of emotion, judging by last night's grumpy post and how relaxed I feel this morning. And speaking of yesterday...
Though I only caught the second half of the show, A Very Bella Christmas at Trades Hall last night was great fun, in an occasionally shambolic way. 'Not bad for a first rehearsal,' Mike McLeish muttered after he and musical chameleon Casey Bennetto had almost butchered then magnificently saved a Christmas carol or two. And a reggae version of 'Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer' that segued into The Specials' 'A Message for You, Rudy'? Fucking inspired, Casey. And god I love Geraldine Quinn's voice.
There's something about seeing musicians creating songs live before your eyes and ears, almost improvising yet somehow always pulling it together, that's incredibly delightful. It also makes me that tad bit envious. I should have persevered with those bass guitar lessons back in the 80s I guess!
Later in the night I dropped in on the last ever Control HQ, but wasn't really in the mood to make drunken and drug-fucked small talk until close (being neither drunk nor drug-fucked, and both unwilling and unable to get into such a state) so I came home, watched part of a doco about Bladerunner, and went to bed.
I've no idea what I'll do today - maybe a movie (yay for free films as a consequence of being a registered film critic)? Maybe curl up in the sunshine with a book? One thing I do know I'll have to do is my washing: there's a pile of dirty laundry building up in the corner of the room that will shortly be able to crawl out the front door under its own volition if I don't do something about it shortly!
What an enthralling blog post this isn't. *grin* But that's blogs for you. A mixture of the mundane and the scintillating; insights into a daily life that's not your own which can be both rewarding and trivial. Coming soon, Richard writes about scratching his head, and a detailed post about only owning three pairs of shoes!
Also - did you know that if you go to www.bloger.com, as opposed to www.blogger.com, you end up at a site that describes itself as 'The Leading Genealogy Site on the Net'? Neither did I until a couple of minutes ago...
Oh, and if you're waiting with bated breath for my detailed wrap-up of the year in arts? Keep waiting: I'm sureI can squeeze in another film or two between now and December 31st, especially with The Golden Compass opening on Boxing Day, which I'm very much looking forward to seeing!
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